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How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Writer's picture: YanaYana

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Заказ еды (ordering food) in a restaurant is one of the most basic tasks for Russian learners — after all, eating is essential and so is talking about eating. This lesson will help learners to choose еду (food) from the menu and заказать (to order) it.

What you’re there to consume

This is actually helpful for официантов (waiters), as they’ll often seat you in a different location в зависимости от вашего ответа (depending on your answer).

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Deciphering the Russian Menu

Russian food vocabulary is quite extensive, but the good news for English speakers is that the majority of Russian food words resemble their English equivalents. Here are a few key Russian food and drink words to keep in mind.

Завтрак (Breakfast)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Мясо (Meat)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Рыба (Fish)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Овощи (Vegetables)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Фрукты (Fruit)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Десерты (Desserts)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Безалкогольные напитки (Soft Drinks)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Алкогольные напитки (Alcoholic Drinks)

How to Order Food at a Russian Restaurant

Key Russian Food Phrases

Here are some key phrases to discuss food in a restaurant when ordering and deciding on what to eat:

Можно мне меню, пожалуйста? Can I have the menu, please?

Могу я принять ваш заказ? Can I take your order?

Я еще не готов I am not ready yet

Будете ли вы что-нибудь из напитков? Would you like something to drink?

Что бы вы хотели на десерт? What would you like for dessert?

Что вы посоветуете? What do you recommend?

Что это за блюдо? What is this dish?

Я буду... I will have...

Я бы хотел... I would like...

Могу я взять это с собой? Can I get this to go?

Можно мне счет, пожалуйста? Can I get/have the bill, please?

В счет включены чаевые? Does the bill include the service charge?

Я могу оплатить картой? Can I pay by card?

Все было превосходно Everything was great

Sample Menu

Use this menu to practise ordering food in a Russian restaurant.

Cалат Salad

Салат Оливье Olivier Salad (diced potatoes, eggs, chicken or bologna, sweet peas and pickles with a mayo dressing. Other vegetables, such as carrot or fresh cucumbers, can be added)

Винегрет Vinegret (diced boiled beetroots, potatoes, carrots with chopped onions and sauerkraut and/or pickled cucumbers. Dressed with vinaigrette, mayo or simply with sunflower or other vegetable oil)

Сельдь под шубой Dressed herring (diced, salted herring covered with layers of grated, boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beet roots), chopped onions and mayo)

Суп Soup

Борщ Borscht (traditionally made from meat, sautéed vegetables and beetroot juice)

Рассольник Rassolnik (a soup made from pickled cucumbers, pearl barley and pork)

Солянка Solyanka (a thick, spicy and sour soup that contains meat and pickled cucumbers)

Уха Ukha (a clear soup, made from various types of fish)

Говядина по-строгановски Beef Stroganoff (pieces of sautéed beef in sauce with sour cream)

Котлета по-киевски Chicken Kiev (a dish made of chicken fillet pounded and rolled around cold butter, then coated with eggs and bread crumbs, and either fried or baked)

Пельмени Dumplings

Голубцы Golubtsy (cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around a variety of fillings)

Блины Pancakes

Холодец Kholodets (a meat jelly)

Чёрная / красная икра Black / red caviar

Медовик Honey Cake (my favourite Russian dessert!)

Сырники Syrniki (fried pancakes made of quark usually topped with sour cream, jam, honey or apple sauce)

Пряник Pryanik (a range of traditional sweet baked goods made from flour and honey)

Пастила Pastila (small squares of pressed fruit paste)

Зефир Zefir (a type of soft confectionery made by whipping fruit and berry purée (mostly apple puree) with sugar and egg whites)

Водка Vodka

Квас Kvas (a fermented non-alcoholic beverage made from black or regular rye bread or dough)

Морс Mors (a non-carbonated Russian fruit drink prepared from berries, mainly from lingonberry and cranberry (although sometimes blueberries, strawberries, sea buckthorns or raspberries))

Бутерброд Sandwich

Котлета Cutlet

Гуляш Goulash

Спагетти Болоньезе Spaghetti Bolognese

Лазанья Lasagne

Паста Pasta

Пицца Pizza

Стейк Steak

Бургер Burger

Картофель-фри French fries

Суши Sushi

Кляр Tempura

Лапша Noodles

Жареный рис Fried rice

Вареный рис Boiled rice

Запечённые овощи Roasted vegetables

Запечённый картофель в мундире Baked potatoes

Картофельное пюре Mashed potatoes

Хот-дог Hot dog

Next time you're in Moscow, why not book a table at Доктор Живаго and practise these Russian words and expressions? Delicious food, friendly staff and a prime location (sit by the window to admire the Kremlin), what else do you need for a great meal with that special someone.

Приятного аппетита (bon appétit)!

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