Using compliments is a great way to show your appreciation to the people you work with. I’ve put together a list of the best Russian compliments you can use to praise your Russian colleagues’ or clients’ skills.
Важно (it’s important) to give положительный отзыв (positive feedback) in response to a job well done. Simple recognition of effort can be a fantastic reward that замотивирует человека (will motivate a person) for future tasks. This is how you can say this in Russian.
Отличная работа. Молодец! Great job. Well done!
atlIchnaya rabOta maladYEts
Every office has one person который знает (who knows) how to ease tensions на работе (at work) by cracking a quick joke or sharing a funny link. If this person's sense of humour brightens up your day в офисе (in the office), make sure to let them know.
У тебя хорошее чувство юмора You have a good sense of humour
oo tibYA kharOsheye chOOstva YUmara
You’re на встрече (in a meeting). Someone shares a great idea, say this in Russian:
Мне нравится твоя идея I like your idea
mnye nrAvitsa tvaYA idYEya
Публичные выступления (public speaking) can be intimidating, especially to someone who's not used to giving presentations. Let your Russian colleagues or partners know that you enjoyed and learned from what they presented. Hopefully, they будут чувствовать себя более уверенно (will feel more confident) next time.
Какая хорошая презентация! Я много узнал.
What a good presentation! I’ve learnt a lot.
kakAya kharOshaya prezyentAtsiya ya mnOga uznAl
Your Russian coworker has helped you out on a difficult project. Tell them how much you appreciate it.
Ты помог нам успешно запустить этот проект.
You’ve helped us to launch this project successfully.
ty pamOk nam uspYEshna zapustIt' Etat praYEkt
You’re admiring your Russian coworker or client for their leadership. Выразите свою благодарность (express your appreciation) and let them know that they make a difference in your life.
Ты меня вдохновляешь You're my inspiration
ty minYA vdakhnavlYAyesh'
Some people ask questions that have the power to change our old ways of thinking and lead to unexpected insights. Let these people that you value their help.
Вы задаёте правильные вопросы. Они заставляют меня мыслить по-другому.
You ask great questions. They challenge my thinking.
vy zadaYOte prAvil'nyye vAprosy anI zastavlYAyut minYA mYslit' pa-drugOmu
Работники (employees) who проявляют инициативу (take initiative) help businesses run smoothly. This is how you can compliment them for their efforts in Russian.
Спасибо за проявленную инициативу Thanks for taking the initiative
spasIba za praYAvlenuyu initsiatIvoo
When your русские сотрудники (Russian team members) really пытаются (make an effort) to understand the people they work with, they make everyone's job easier. This is one навык (skill) that definitely deserves recognition.
Мы на одной волне We’re on the same wavelength
my na adnOy valnYE
Невозможно (it’s impossible) to do your job entirely on your own. Надёжные (reliable) Russian coworkers you can depend on for support and inspiration are a ценный (priceless) resource. This is what you can say in Russian to show them that you appreciate it.
Я всегда могу положиться на тебя I can always count on you
ya vsegdA magOO palazhIt'sa na tibYA
You’re lucky if you have a русский наставник (Russian mentor) at work. Make sure to show your gratitude for all the support and guidance you receive.
Спасибо за ценный совет Thanks for the valuable advice
spasIba za tsEnyi savYEt
However you choose to say it in Russian, don’t skip it. Positive feedback makes us feel recognized and appreciated.
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